
Showing posts from November 10, 2016

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Lady Gaga continues to protest Donald Trump for LGBTQ and black communities

Lady Gaga continues to protest Donald Trump for LGBTQ and black communities - Gaga was then seen continuing her protests well into the night, as well as taking to Twitter to fight for the cause of the black and LGBTQ communities, ...

Brian Hodder: A salute to freedom

Brian Hodder: A salute to freedom - Included among these are the LGBTQ public servants who were purged from the public service starting in the 1950s, and the hundreds of LGBTQ  ...

12 YA Books With Characters of Color and LGBTQ Characters

12 YA Books With Characters of Color and LGBTQ Characters - A lack of diversity has long plagued YA novels. In children's literature broadly, the number of books about people of color has for decades hovered at ...

The next four years are going to be awful, but just how awful is anyone's guess

The next four years are going to be awful, but just how awful is anyone's guess - Those may be the three scariest words in the English language. Unfortunately, they are also reality for the next four years. The pundits will spend ...

Here's What We Can Do When the Trump Administration Challenges LGBTQ Rights

Here's What We Can Do When the Trump Administration Challenges LGBTQ Rights - RFRA supporters have said that these laws do not target LGBTQ people with discrimination because they often don't include specific language on ...

LGBTQ Crisis Lines Are Ringing off the Hook Since Trump's Win

LGBTQ Crisis Lines Are Ringing off the Hook Since Trump's Win - Just a half-day after Donald Trump was named president-elect of the United States, calls to LGBTQ hotlines have spiked dramatically, with some ...

An Open Letter To Donald Trump From A Gay Educator

An Open Letter To Donald Trump From A Gay Educator - The rhetoric has made so many communities feel less then supported. The LGBTQ community, African-Americans, Latinos, Women and Muslims have ...

6 Things You Can Do To Support LGBTQ People Right Now

6 Things You Can Do To Support LGBTQ People Right Now - Over the past few years, LGBTQ Americans have seen our rights advance, with the passage of marriage equality, the end of the Defense of Marriage ...

Children have the right to health

Children have the right to health - Essential to a child's health is sufficient nourishment – something that begins before birth with the nutrition of its mother. Insufficient nourishment during ...

Trump victory a working-class backlash against economic inequality

Trump victory a working-class backlash against economic inequality - This is a symptom of a broken economic system. A furious backlash by those dispossessed and disenfranchised by economic forces that have skewed ...

How trade and globalization has fed middle-class stagnation

How trade and globalization has fed middle-class stagnation - More international trade brings great benefits to American consumers. ... But don't blame the 1 percent or increasing inequality in the U.S. because ...

Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Poor Americans

Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Poor Americans - President Obama's anti- inequality crusade has had three main pillars. ... simply, his administration would make it much harder to be poor in America .

What Donald Trump could do to 'make America great again' without destroying free trade

What Donald Trump could do to 'make America great again' without destroying free trade - The president-elect needs to address the gaping inequality across US regions and social strata. As with the United Kingdom's Leave supporters, many ...

Here's One Campaign Promise Donald Trump Will Find Hard to Keep

Here's One Campaign Promise Donald Trump Will Find Hard to Keep - Donald Trump's promise to revive small town America faces a tough ... any time soon, according to interviews with experts on income inequality and as ...

Cast shines light on impact of mental illness in rock musical 'Next to Normal'

Cast shines light on impact of mental illness in rock musical 'Next to Normal' -  Mental illness , unresolved grief, teenage angst and the dark soul of suburban life hardly seem like they could or should be fodder for a rock musical.

Drug Use and Mental Health Problems Often Happen Together

Drug Use and Mental Health Problems Often Happen Together - More than half of people who have drug problems also have a mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder . More than half ...