
Showing posts from September 27, 2016

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Will Media Cover Gay 'Micro-Aggressions' against Bisexuals?

Will Media Cover Gay 'Micro-Aggressions' against Bisexuals? - The LGBTQ movement strategically promotes an image of tolerance and acceptance – it's good for their brand. Yet, after a closer look inside the ranks, ...

8 LGBT people working hard to put Hillary Clinton in the White House

8 LGBT people working hard to put Hillary Clinton in the White House - When it comes to LGBTQ support, the disparity is even greater. Trump's gay supporters can easily fit in a restaurant booth and are noteworthy for not ...

Hillary Clinton won the first debate

Hillary Clinton won the first debate - In 98 minutes, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton showed the American people she has stamina, knowledge, understanding of complex issues and a ...

Why so afraid of LGBTQ?

Why so afraid of LGBTQ ? - As more and more everyday folk spew diatribes against the LGBTQ community, it becomes increasingly clear why many gay and lesbian teens ...

The sky is not falling because 20 percent of LGBTQ voters support Trump

The sky is not falling because 20 percent of LGBTQ voters support Trump - After all, the man just said he would sign FADA into law, allowing for anti- LGBTQ discrimination. He has surrounded himself with anti- LGBTQ advisers ...

Why I Can't Come Out as a Queer Muslim

Why I Can't Come Out as a Queer Muslim - The pain I've felt being rejected by the Muslim community for being queer has been no different than the torment of being dehumanized in LGBTQ  ...

Why We Can't Afford the Protest Vote

Why We Can't Afford the Protest Vote - The one thing we can say for certain about the Democratic Party's political elite, is that they have been one of the LGBTQ community's biggest ...

Poll Shows Overwhelming Support For Clinton By LGBT People

Poll Shows Overwhelming Support For Clinton By LGBT People - If it were up to the LGBT community, however, there'd be little need for the anticipated mud-slinging, as collective support for one nominee appears to ...

Millions of Americans Climbed Out of Poverty Last Year

Millions of Americans Climbed Out of Poverty Last Year - According to data released by the Census Department earlier this month, the official poverty rate in America declined by 1.2% to 13.5%, with 43.1 ...

The Most Dangerous Cities in America

The Most Dangerous Cities in America - The vast majority of the cities with the highest violent crime rates tend to also report very low incomes, high poverty , and low educational attainment.

Poverty rates are plummeting, unless you ask an American – they think they're way up

Poverty rates are plummeting, unless you ask an American – they think they're way up - More than 90 percent of Americans think that the number of people living in extreme poverty remained the same or got worse in the ...

Caribbean American Elected Councilmember Responds To Racist Hate Mail

Caribbean American Elected Councilmember Responds To Racist Hate Mail - A Caribbean- American New York politician is responding to racist hate mail by holding a discussion on racial inequality in America .

Top 10 Anti-Bullying Apps

Top 10 Anti- Bullying Apps - Sometimes bullying is hard to detect, as victims and bystanders are reluctant to report incidents. This is due to the fear of what the consequences will ...

Improving the health and well-being of millions of women and children ...

Improving the health and well-being of millions of women and children ... - The statistics are staggering: 60 per cent of preventable maternal deaths and 53 per cent of under-five deaths take place in crisis settings linked to ...

Depression in pregnancy increases risk of mental health problems in children

Depression in pregnancy increases risk of mental health problems in children - Depression in pregnancy increases the risk of behavioural and emotional problems in children , says a new review published in The Lancet Psychiatry.

9 of 10 U.S. Teens Don't Get Enough Exercise

9 of 10 U.S. Teens Don't Get Enough Exercise - Over 90 percent of U.S. high school students don't get enough exercise to stay fit and healthy , and the ...